Navigating the Ethical and Safety Challenges in the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence

Navigating the Ethical and Safety Challenges in the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence kunj's copy.docx

In this project, I looked at three different academic studies revolving around safety while develepoing AGI and explored differing opinions of the authors. Some stakeholders think we should not regulate AI development so that we can innovate with AI quickly. Others say we need strict rules to keep AI from being unfair or unsafe, especially when it uses our personal data. There's a big debate about how AI might learn and repeat our mistakes, and how much it should know about us to work well.

Coding, why do I love it?

Coding, why do I love it By Kunj Rathod.docx

In the project called "Coding, why do I love it?" I share my story about getting into coding. It starts with my first coding project in high school and how much I liked the challenge. I talk about how coding is not just technical but creative too, like making art. I've gone from making simple websites to tackling tough coding puzzles. I mention how coders have to keep learning, solve problems, and work with others. I also talk about how coders like to make things easier, which is why we always look for shortcuts to solve problems faster. The story shows my journey and love for coding and how I want to keep getting better and help the coding world.

Language and How We See the World: Exploring the Sapir-Whorf Idea


In the paper on the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, I explain how the languages we speak can shape our thoughts and views of the world.The essay shows that language can influence our everyday thinking and interactions with others. It also considers the idea that our thoughts aren't limited to language. I conclude that language affects, but doesn't fully control our thought processes and learning different languages opens new perspectives and ways to connect with various cultures.

Field Experience Report

Field Experience Report.pdf

In the project "The Debate on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Safety," I compare how different newspapers from the U.S., U.K., and China talk about AGI safety. I show how each paper gives a different view: The New York Times is balanced, The Guardian talks more about risks, and The China Daily focuses on benefits. I connect this with course ideas like cultural awareness and how people from different places think differently. The project shows how understanding AGI safety isn't just about technology; it's also about understanding people from all over the world.

Identity Exploration

My name is Kunj Rathod.docx

In my paper "My name is Kunj Rathod," I talk about what makes me who I am. I start with my unique name, Kunj, and how it's important to me. I grew up in a small town in India and did lots of activities in school. I think it's good to connect with many places, not just one. I learned a lot growing up and believe in always learning new things. My family, especially my parents and little brother, are really important to me. I want to keep being helpful to them.

Reflecting on my progress throughout this semester, I believe I have achieved the course goals effectively, as demonstrated by the various assignments I have completed.